New Kitchen Decorating Ideas: Decorative Pin Boards

12:01 PM

Recently in the supermarket, I suddenly felt the urge to buy new kitchen decor. What a perfect coincidence, that the market had reduced prices for decorative pin boards! Unfortunately, all that glitters is not gold. But let's start from scratch.

I bought one of the aforesaid pin boards. My boyfriend was complaining anyway, that we need one. The pin board pretends to be a diy bulletin board and consists of eight cork boards with geometrical forms. You can combine them at will and glue them to the wall with sticky tape.
Impetuously, I attach the cork boards to the wall in the kitchen. As I'm almost done, my boyfriend enters the kitchen and remarks: "Looks kind of askew".
What?! I look at the bulletin board from afar and see that he's right. So I start over again. Uff. Well, it's my fault, I think - why didn't I use the folding rule and a level?

30 minutes later, the pin board is still askew and I'm kind of pissed. Already lost the delight for new kitchen decorating ideas...

Kitchen Decorating Ideas
New Kitchen Decorating Ideas

Decorative Pin Boards
Decorative Pin Boards for Shopping & To Do Lists

Cork Pin Boards
Bulletin Boards as Family Day Planner

Bulletin Boards
Decorative Pin Boards as Kitchen Decor

However, I didn't take it off. At least until next morning when I found parts of it down on the floor. The sticky tape was still attached to the wall, with parts of cork on it. Stupid pin board - would like to dump it in the supermarket where I bought it.

Well, I don't give up that easily. I attached more sticky tape (a lot more...) to the back - seems to work now. It's still askew. When attaching for the third time, I discovered it's not my fault - the cork boards are partly cut askew. So what did I learn? Next time I want a new bulletin board, I go to the building center, not to the supermarket.

Decorative Pin Boards as Family Day Planner

To organize our future daily routine super mega perfectly, I subdivided our pin board into six divisions. Two To-Do Lists for my boyfriend and me. Open orders for future purchases, open invoices for things that are still to pay (you can tell I studied business studies right?).
Next, a menu plan for the week - I'm just tired of standing in the supermarket and not knowing what to cook. And in the end, it results somehow always in pasta. Last but not a list, a purchasing list including check boxes. Ticking check boxes satisfies me.

A wise women said a shortly ago: "Acrylic paint makes everything better". She's so damn right. Which is way I painted the colorful pins I bought and made them all gray. Matches the rest of the kitchen decor. Was kind of satisfying to have them all uniformed in one color. Their look appeases me every time I look at the askew bulletin board.
By the way, the wise women was Vera from Nicest-Things.

Kitchen Decorating Ideas
New Ideas for Kitchen Decor

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