Garden Plants for Fall: Blooming Flowers during Winter

8:31 PM

Today has been such a beautiful November morning!
For quite some time I'm thinking about writing a post about garden plants in fall. Blooming flowers on the balcony or in the garden during the darker season just lighten the mood.
This morning, the sun shone so bright on our balcony, I couldn't resist any longer. Quickly, I put on my jogging trousers - over the short pajamas. Hoping, the baby would be busy long enough, I fetched the camera and started to take photos.

I was lucky, the baby was good and the sun stayed until I was ready.

Fall blooming flowers
Colorful balcony, even during fall: Blooming Flowers

Fall garden plants
Garden plants for fall: Erica plants

My favorite plant for fall is currently Erica. There are lots of variations and new cultures- I love the green yellowish Erica Arborea. It has no blossoms, but very colorful leaves. 

By the way, the white shabby chic lantern was restored by my dad. The weather afflicted it badly, but daddy repainted it and built a new bottom. Thanks Daddy!

Finally, a glance at our garden in fall time. I just love how the sun comes through the leaves in the morning.

Fall day
Bright fall day

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